Prof. Kornovski Medical Centre has one of the few revolutionary Fotona laser machines in Bulgaria, created for cosmetic, aesthetic and medical purposes in the field of gynecology. You can view photos here.

The main equipment at the medical centre is manufactured by renowned brands in the United States and Italy, which have a recognized standard of good medical practice, both in diagnostics and in treatment of gynecological diseases.

The video colposcope is made in USA by the leader in the field – the American brand Allyn Welch. With its unique optical system, software, and applications and thanks to its light filter system, the device enables visualization and detection of the smallest and most subtle changes in the cervix and the endocervical canal. These changes can be archived and subject to follow-up, as well as being diagnosed histologically by punch biopsy.

The biopsy punch has a special titanium coating, it’s made and designed in America (Med Gyn) ensuring mini-invasiveness of the procedure. Due to its unique design under video colposcopic control, extremely small areas susceptible to high pre-cancerous changes can be biopsied. This mini-invasiveness is characterized by high diagnostic value and lack of pain. Bleeding is controlled by treating the area with Monsel’s Paste (Med Gyn-USA).

Patients at the medical centre are examined, colposcoped and biopsied on an Italian gynecological chair of the Gyno Lemi Plus brand, offering aesthetic and ergonomic design.

Treatment of precancerous cervical changes is performed at the Medical Centre without the need for hospitalization (outpatient). Depending on the colposcopic finding, the most common options are cryodestruction and LLETZ (large loop excision of the transformation zone).

Cryodestruction is performed without anesthesia, while LLETZ requires local infiltration anesthesia with lidocaine (after an allergy test). After both procedures, patients are observed for an hour and given written instructions and prescriptions.

The cryodestruction equipment is made in USA (Med Gyn), which guarantees quality and effect of the treatment.

Since August, the LLETZ procedure has been performed with RFSU (radiofrequency surgery unit) by SOMETECH. This devise allows precise and smooth cut of the cervical fragment, leaving the resected lines thermally undamaged which is extremely important to the pathologist. According to algorithms and recommendations of the European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO), the LLETZ procedure should be done with RFSU or laser.

The diagnosis of organs in the pelvis and abdominal cavity is performed with the latest generation ESAOTE high-tech ultrasound system, manufactured in Italy.

Elective termination of pregnancy is performed with aspiration method by the SUPERVEGA system of the Italian company GIMA, which provides a maximum pressure of 700 mm Hg.

Prof. Kornovski Medical Centre has available laser equipment for vaporisation of condylomas and small pre-cancerous lesions of the cervix, as well as for laser labiaplasty.

The centre has its own sterilization system.